Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Here it is late at night, and cool for the first time in days. It has been so FUCKING hot! I am moving somewhere cold, very soon, yes very soon. I know most love and adore the summer, but I live in the desert, enough said.
Bebe boy is still on a rampage of climbing. In 2 seconds flat today he disappeared from HD's view and was found perched atop the toilet seat, WTF??? Who is this toddler, and where did my lumpy, lazy little baby go? I remember thinking the same thing about bg, where does the time go. (jeez sorry for the cliche) It's late, I worked all night and I am out of anything original to say.
We're thinking of a big move soon, and I am excited. The truth of it is I am sick of "getting by" in a city I am not all that fond of. I could at least be well somewhere 'cooler', in the temperature and hip sense of the word. Gads I can't seem to blog worth a damn lately, so thanks for tuning in, if you do that is...

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