Thursday, November 15, 2007

Episode 2 NaBloPoMo

Did I actually give myself a topic, as one of my coworker used to say "for sures". Now why in the H-E-double hockey sticks (trying to curb the curses yo) would I do something as ambitious as that on my 2nd NaBloPoMo?

So you have guessed it, I didn't come prepared. I picked up the kiddos, bought some sushi, miso and pot stickers from the market and had myself a big ol' glass of cabernet. It has been quite a nice evening all in all. The only thing to make it better? The episode of "Shark Week" in the background.

The hubs and I are somewhat addicted to the nature shows. Where other's TIVO and buy season 1 through something-or-other on DVD, we buy nature shows. I have Jeff Corwin, Planet Earth, Shark Week series, Pre-historic Park, and a bonus episode of Myth Busters.

We decided that kids' lives are filled with episodes of things. Whether it's on the tube or DVD, and on the rare occasion video, that is the world they live in. We got jealous. Sometimes I am way too fucking darn tired to watch an entire movie. I WANT episodes-!! So what episodes do you enjoy. Why do you think it took me so long to stumble onto the joy of episodes? And.... Damn I want all of the Project Runways EVER!

Well way off track, no real rhyme and I don't have cable so I can't even get this season of PRW. What is wrong with my life? Well nothing other than that really. Hate it or Love it the Underdog's on Top!

PLGC -out


Anonymous said...

Hola Hot Mamma!

I hate to tell you that I have TiVo and full-service cable, so basically my life is full of episodes. At least until this baby is born and then I imagine my TiVo will be full but my life too busy to watch???

Here's a few we/I (husband doesn't necessarily watch the girly ones) follow (some you can get previous series of on DVD):

Project Runway (natch!)
America's Next Top Model
The Office
Mad Men (just ended, now in reruns)

By the way, I found you via the nablopomo randomizer, and am tagging you for a meme. Instructions here: the calm before the stork.

Have fun!

Peggasus said...

Hola, Mamacita! Thanks for visiting me!

You know what I like better than Planet Earth? (Sigourney's voice started bugging me after a while...)

On Animal Planet there was a series called Blue Planet that was A.Ma.Zing. They're still doing reruns of it now and then. I highly recommend it.

And do you watch the Amazing Race? It's the best reality show on the teevee. I am also addicted to Top Chef, but that season just ended.

Heh, I said I lived in a small town, there's not much else to do.

AS Novus said...

Peggasus, I actually have the original version narrated by Sir David Attenborough it is AWESOME! It is done through the BBC I think it came right after Blue Planet, But I so want to see that too! My MIL loves amazing race.